It only took me 3 days to begin what has become a never-ending love affair with Puerto Vallarta. Once I made it my home I realized that there was more than just beaches, mountains, rivers, waterfalls but also amazingly friendly people.
As years went by, many locals and I became acquaintances, among them small business owners, people who sell goods or produce on the street, craftsmen, taco stand owners, and other people that I do not know exactly what they do for a living but are always walking the streets of the neighborhood – Old Town and Downtown- ready to smile and say ¨buenos días¨-.
I love talking to them. They provide the coolest and most interesting stories about how the neighborhoods have developed over the years, they narrate family stories, sometimes they share recipes or directions to get to hidden beaches and secluded nature gems around Puerto Vallarta.

They, the locals, the Pata Saladas (Salty Feet People), the Vallartenses, have me enamored, I´m totally head over heels with this magical place.
As the word´s been getting out about how enchanting Vallarta is, and thanks to the ever rising cost of buying a property or renting, as things change so quickly that in the blink of an eye one day we see a beautiful old home and then the next day it´s gone to give way to a high-rise, well… so it happens with small businesses. I know you´ve seen it too.
Last year a beautiful ¨botica¨ (drug store) on Insurgentes st closed its doors and a cellphone store opened. Good bye to the old and hello to the new? Well, things change.
After the botica closed its doors, something in my heart went blue. I thought about all the other small businesses that could be risking closing too to either higher rents or just because times are changing.
Then one fine day it dawn on me, people need to know about these craftsmen and small business owners who are good at what they do and they do it from their heart but are not tech nor social media savvy, why not make a tour and have the word out about who they are, what they do, and the history behind their trades?

At the same time it would be a way to honor them because after all they are our hosts and they have been the best of hosts. If you are not Mexican allow me to explain something, for them we are not just visitors or new residents rather we become their extended family.
If you have traveled around Mexico, if you´ve met families or people in general and have become friends or acquaintances, then you know what I´m talking about. Sure there are exceptions and I´d dare to say that the smallest the place the friendlier the people are. And if you think PV is friendly, oh my, oh my! Let me tell you there are friendlier places. Whaaat? Yes my friends, there are.
My friends, I invite you to come and meet some of our hosts: Chavita, Tencha, The Rodriguez family, The Guadarramas, Rigo the medicine man, and more. See what they do, how they learned their trades, as well as the historic and cultural aspect of them.
See the magical hands of these skilled crafstmen and and friendly people of Puerto Vallarta. Get ready to eat your way through authentic mexican tastes. Our gift from us are some courtesy photos from your experince.
The photos below are an example of our gift to you.